Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking Responsibility

My life has been highly effected lately by someone who refuses to take responsibility. It's heartbreaking, frustrating and infuriating.

The other morning I was laying in bed and casually checking facebook and email on my phone (that's my idea of relaxing now days...)

I got an email from my Grandma and it started out hitting wayyyy too close to home.... someone again not taking responsibility and I could feel my blood pressure starting to rise.

Then as I scrolled down I literally laughed out loud. It was sooo nice to have a good hearted belly laugh!! (Thanks Grandma, I needed that).

So, to share the love.....

Enjoy! :)



Why would you even ask me that? I'm insulted!! Every time something goes missing around here everybody looks at me! For your information I don't even wear that shade. It doesn't flatter my complexion and it tastes terrible. oops.

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