Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hi, my name is Sara and I'm a workaholic

All I've done lately is work. In the past two days I haven't been home and have been told 9 times that I look "exhausted."

The past three weeks ago at my PART TIME job I've billed 40.5 hours, 41.5 hours and 38 hours. Hardly sounds like a part-time job to me.

In the last three weeks I've pulled two weeks that include overtime at my full-time job.

I've picked up a third job (covering little league football)... sounds fun, and good money to boot.

In the last three weeks I have slept at home approx five (count them - 5) times.

In the last three weeks I have cooked ONE meal at home.

I'm beginning to feel like a mortgage payment is a REALLY expensive way to store my belongings.

In all honesty, I'M NOT COMPLAINING. It's been good for me lately. I need the money and it helps to keep me busy. Not being busy leads to thinking, and thinking leads to .... well, not good things lately.

So, I'm not complaining, I'm just working my ass off. And I'm REALLY not complaining because tomorrow is payday!

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