Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Its amazing what a sticker can do

On Monday Owen, Emily and I started the P90X program. I have done workouts from it in the past... but this time it's for real, six days a week for 13 weeks.

We made attendance charts and everything. It's amazing how motivated I am by being able to put a sticker down for the day! I get one sticker for my workout and one for meeting my caloric goal for the day.... So far I haven't missed one!

I will admit, it's nice to have the challenge and being accountable to Owen and Em as well. I don't want my row of stickers to fall behind!!!

Today we finished our third day; honestly, I'm having trouble walking. I already feel great tho. I swear to you that I already feel slimmer and sleeker. hahaha
I should have started this workout thing awhile ago. I took a big break while Sam and I were together and I seemed to have forgotten the impact the endorphins have. These things rock!
When life got hard I should have started working out immediately.... but I'm glad at least I started now! I've been struggling with staying up beat, but the last couple days have been a lot easier. I have a better outlook on things and feel like it will all be ok, even if the mud drags on forever.
In a nut shell.... I'm loving it! Even if I can't walk or get out of bed without grunting and groaning!

1 comment:

Angie said...

It was great to chat and eat tonight! Thanks again... and hang in there- things will get better... WAY better!