Saturday, February 9, 2013

Website recommendations. SAY WHAT?!?!

I'm in Jackson, WY with my snowboard team and last night we are sitting at dinner, talking about how gorgeous this place is. I mention my goal to buy a cabin/land by the time I'm 35 and the conversation turns into...

One of my male snowboarders, about 18 years-old... long blonde hair, chiseled features, quick laugh... you know, snowboarder..... Anyways, he leans across the table and looks me dead in the eye and says, 

"Have you looked at Free Cabin Porn Dot Com?? It's awesome."

Say What?!?!

I died laughing, the coach next to me died laughing, the girls on the other side of me died laughing.....

Sure enough, he was serious.

A website of gorgeous cabins from around the world. I was stuck on that site for about two hours last night.

The kid knows what he's talking about. 

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