Thursday, December 27, 2012


First Gluten-free fail of the experiment... although first success in a way too.

I've been gluten-free for about a week now, until last night. I gave in and hand Chinese-pan noodles. I LOVE these things.... and I quickly regretted it.

Immediately after eating them I was exhausted, nauseous and SORE everywhere. I have been working out hard for a few days, with lots of squats, but my knees have been feeling great.... until the noodles came.

It was insane how quick it happened, as soon as I tried to stand up my knees were KILLING me! It kind of freaked me out how fast it happened.... even today my knees are sore, my feet are sore, and I'm overall achy.

So, I guess it's a good thing, I'm seeing how wheat effects me in an inflammation sense... but it also sucks, because this means that I should never have those delicious pan noodles again.... 

Give and take I guess. :(

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